The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom (UK) is formed by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
The capital City is London.


The Union Jack
the flag of UK

The flag of UK is called Union Jack.
The Union Jack includes three different flags with three different crosses:
The cross of St. George, the patron saint of England; the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland; the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

The flag of Wales is green and white with a red dragon in the centre. It's the emblem of St. David, the patron saint of Wales. It isn't included in Union Jack because Wales was already united to England when the first Union Jack was design in 1606.

The flag was called "Union" to symbolize the union of the Kingdom, but the historian do not agree on the origin of name "Jack".
Some say it's the nickname of King James I who, in 1603, united England and Scotland; others say it's called "Jack" like "jack staff" the tall pole of the naval ship where flags wave.

The Union Jack is the most important of all British symbols, and it is flown by representatives of the United Kingdom all over the world.



IDevice Icon Image Gallery
Show St. George 's cross Image
St. George 's cross
Show St. George, the patron saint ofEngland Image
St. George, the patron saint ofEngland
Show St. Andrew's cross Image
St. Andrew's cross
Show St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland Image
St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland
Show St Patrick's cross Image
St Patrick's cross
Show St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland Image
St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland
Show Flag of Wales Image
Flag of Wales
Show St. David, the patron saint of Wales Image
St. David, the patron saint of Wales

What's the Union Jack?


It's a kind of Jacket
It's the flag of the United Kingdom
It's the flag of England

The Union Jack is formed by

England's flag, Scotland's flag, Ireland's flag

England's flag, Wales's flag, Scotland's flag


Scotland's flag, Ireland's flag, Wales's flag

Who 's the patron saint of England?


St Patrick
St Andrew
St George

Which flag has got a red dragon?

England's flag
Wales's flag
Scotland's flag

Who's the patron saint of Scotland?

St Patrick
St David
St Andrew

Who 's St David?

The patron saint of Wales
The patron saint of Ireland
The patron saint of England

Who's the patron saint of Ireland

St Andrew
St Patrick
St David


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Historical Path about The Union Jack